Community Partners

Forming connected and collaborative partnerships is critical to improving systems of care. As Dallas County’s largest provider of mental health services and its only Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, Metrocare’s model hinges on ensuring every client’s needs are addressed holistically across a vast network of providers. Metrocare has cultivated over 150 community partnerships from hospitals, school districts, municipalities, criminal justice entities, police departments, homeless shelters, churches, and other social service agencies. We all have a role to play in ensuring better access to integrated health care. We can do this better together.
Partnerships with Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice Entities
Metrocare has linked arms with police departments as well as courts and jail diversion programs across Dallas County. For example: Metrocare has designated linkages to Dallas’ RIGHT Care team and Crisis Intervention teams to ensure individuals in crisis have connection to ongoing outpatient care needed to prevent repeat emergency users.
Metrocare also has embedded a care coordinator in the Dallas County’s District Attorneys office for diversion of individuals needing mental health services. As the Texas Corrections Office of Offenders with Medical and/or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI) program administrator, Metrocare’s treatment team provides therapeutic intervention in coordination with probation and parole for youth and adults as well as a suite of other intensive mental health services designed for individuals re-entering the community.
Partnerships with School Districts
Metrocare has developed MOUs and referral processes with school districts and charters across Dallas County to help support counselors, teachers, and administrators with students who have the most intensive behavioral challenges. Whether it be staff coming to schools or a connection to outpatient care, Metrocare tailors partnership to best fit the needs of the campus, students, and families.
Partnerships with Hospitals
Metrocare has formal partnerships with all the major Dallas area hospitals, from Parkland, Green Oaks, Southern Behavioral, Children’s, etc. Our transition liaisons serve as the designated contact for hospitals so patients can have an outpatient appointment scheduled before they leave the hospital.
For hospitals or residential treatment centers looking for a more connected partnership, contact us here.
Partnerships with Community Providers
Linking arms with other social service providers allows Metrocare to wraparound families with holistic support and strengthen systems of care that uplifts the entire community. Metrocare co-locates or has direct referral relationships with area homeless shelters, child placing agencies, food pantries, transportation entities, substance abuse treatment centers, and other social service providers.
Partnerships with Early Childhood Providers
Family Connects North Texas is a regional partnership between Metrocare, My Health My Resources of Tarrant County (MHMR), TexProtects, and United Way Metropolitan Dallas, that offers free postpartum in-home nurse visits to any Dallas-area parent of a newborn. Nationally proven to improve maternal and infant health, Family Connects supports parents and caregivers by bringing health care providers, community resources, and families together. Metrocare provides the registered nurses and program oversight for Dallas County while TexProtects and United Way provide the community outreach and alignment and recruitment efforts.
National & State Partners
Local Community Partners
Education & Research Partners
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