Metrocare’s Centers for Children with Autism

Metrocare has two centers specifically designated to serve children diagnosed with Autism. From ages 2 to 12 years old, Metrocare provides one-to-one, ABA therapy tailored to the behavioral, social, and communication needs of the children we serve. ABA, aka Applied Behavior Analysis, is the national gold-standard for autism therapy and has proven to improve the social and communication skills for children on the spectrum. Metrocare sees the potential in every child and is here to walk alongside the entire family as parents nurture the strengths in their children.

Learn more about CCAM Services here.

Parent Testimonials

My child had learned to say more words and is learning to be more understanding and patient!

Ms. Garza

It has been an incredible help. Seeing the progress that he has had since attending this center motivates us more to be diligent and has made us strive to be in each therapy. From the language to the way he socializes and acts independently, CCAM has undoubtedly been a vital help to make great progress in each of the different areas he struggles.

Mr. Rodriguez

CCAM helps him communicate with others, in controlling his anger or tantrums, in socializing, and in having hope in everything he does to improve himself.

Ms. Hernandez

CCAM helps him first and foremost with his self-esteem.

Ms. Ramirez

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